Sunday, March 1, 2009


I've been taking Ikebana (flower arrangement) lessons for almost three years. I arranged callas, blue lace flowers and roses in a base. There are four divided spaces for the arrangment- left back, left front, right front, right back- and each space has main flowers called Tai, You, Huku, Ushirozoe which are the tallest flowers in each space. In this case, I arranged the tallest calla as Tai (in the left back) and the calla in the left front as You, a rose in the right front as Huku and a blue lace flower in the right back as Ushiro zoe. The other flowers support these main flowers. There is a basic rule for the length of flowers- like You is 3/4 of Tai, and Huku is 3/4 of You.

After three years I'm interested in ikebana more and more. When I first started I mostly cared about the length of flowers. Of course it is important, but these days I pay more attention to lines and shapes of each flower to find out the best place for each of them. I noticed that ikebana depends on how to see the space. Every time you encounter flowers with different characteristics and create the space with them so that it is a depthful world!


  1. i like flower arrangement too. But i usually prefer the western type, you know, large big heavy bouquets..

    nice to meet you , juju. I'm Silver,

    from One Day at a Time / Reflections

  2. Hi Silver!

    Thanks a lot for your comment :) It's really nice to know that someone actually reads my posts!

  3. Hi,
    What a wonderful blog. Ikebana and tea ceremony are great, I want to learn them too. Your english is very good.

  4. Hi Juju,
    Thanks for your comment in my blog. Nice to hear that my comment has encourage you again. I hope you´ll continue sharing this wonderful japanese culture. I´ll drop by once in a while and check if there is something new..
    Have a nice day!
